Thursday, July 3, 2008

Just Call Me A Pink Lily Pad

So, I've been having a bit of a hard time this week. I keep thinking about how last year at this time I was just meeting Triangle and everything seemed so full of promise and excitement. I know, I know, Triangle is in the past, blah blah blah, but perhaps there was a part of me waiting for him to realize how great I was and come back. Not that I'd take him back, I just wanted him to want me back. Whatever. So, tonight, he sent me an email and told me he got engaged. Um, what? It literally felt like I got kicked in the stomach. I mean, the last time I saw him was in December (which wasn't that long ago) and he wasn't seeing anyone. Plus, he was the one who always said he'd never get married again. So, to be reading about his hot air balloon engagement felt physically painful. Of course I wish him well and all that crap, but this is the third person this year (and second person this week) who's been able to move on with the very next person after me. Seattle Guy said he'd never even have a girlfriend and is now living with someone (and her child), Dead Man said he'd never settle down and is now living with his girlfriend. And Triangle, the person I was so into and completely adored, is engaged. I realize it's stupid and a waste of tears, but I can't stop crying. Why am I just a transition girl? Why am I always the person who gets someone ready for the person they're meant to be with? Who was meant for me? Sorry, I know this isn't funny, I know it's not exciting, but it's what's going on with me this second. My poor little pink heart is breaking and I wish I knew how to stop being the freaking lily pad men use to hop on and get to their next great love.

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