Saturday, July 26, 2008

Place Your Votes Now - Most Outrageous 80's hair

A local radio station is having a contest for front row tickets to the Regeneration Tour. Although I've already got my tickets, they're not in the front row (and how else will Belinda Carlisle see me and recognize her soulmate BFF???). To win said tickets, you have to submit a picture of you from back in the day with your worst 80's hair, as well as a recent pic to contrast. My dilemma? I've got too many pictures to choose from! This is where I need your help. Look at the pictures below and cast your votes. The winner will get submitted to the contest.

Just so you have two separate views of the outrageous outfit/hair (I was at my aunt's wedding when I was 12). This is Option A. 1987 at the county fair. This is Option B.This has to make the list for the sheer horror of the two-toned hair. Option C.Another fair picture. As a fun side note, this is the girl everyone thought was my twin sister and also the one people thought looked like Belinda Carlisle - they said I was a young Belinda and she was a more recent Belinda. Whatever that means. Yeah, we signed autographs as though we were Belinda herself. We were cool. Option D. Last, but certainly not least, my Senior Prom. Yeah, that's some big hair. Option E.

Cast your votes now!


  1. I will definitely go with Option C. You look like you are rocking the mullet! How many inches are those bangs?

    By the way this was posted by your little brother in California.

  2. Vauri votes for Option E, the Prom picture. She says it is totally from the '80s.

  3. Hmmm it's too hard to pin one down...but I like the first 2 with the "headbandy" thing.

  4. I vote for option A. The head band bow it totally 80's. C does come in as a close 2nd for me.
