Wednesday, July 9, 2008

It Must Run In The Family

Imagine my joy to learn that my sister had a total blonde moment the other day. She found "the perfect chair" for her house and somehow figured out a way to rope it onto her roof and drive it home. Well, she lives on the outskirts of town (and by that I mean she lives WAY out in BFE), so it took her awhile. Then, she hit a construction zone and had to go even farther out of the way. However, the whole time, the chair remained on top of the car. Great news, right? Well, by the time she finally got home, she was so relieved that she somehow temporarily forgot about the chair being on her roof and drove INTO her garage. Um, oops!!! The chair survived, but apparently some minor damage was done to her house and car. Yep, she's definitely my sister. Speaking of my family, I was trying to remember the last time I saw more than one of my siblings in the same place (other than this past weekend). Here are some pics from our trip to Disneyland/California Adventure the Christmas before last. Check out how small Owen and Max were! And finally, I found the class picture from Phoenix's school last year. Notice anything out of the ordinary? Like a little princess in the front row wearing a full length ballgown? It cracks me up every time I see it. I know it's small, but really all you need to see is the big dress in the front row. :) Oh, and her crown. Let's not forget about the butterfly crown. Very important!

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