Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hard Times, Jeremy. Hard Times.

Wow. Hard times, Jeremy. We hardly knew ya. OK, that's not true. Because what we did know we didn't like, so see ya! How freaking happy was I about the show last night?!!? Can I get a WOOT WOOT for the Final Two?!?! Wahoo! :) I'm so stoked. Now I don't think I even care which one she picks because I TLF both of them. But Jeremy, WOW. Why didn't he cry? What kind of android is he to not even cry when the person he *supposedly* loves shoots him down? He was blindsided! I thought he was pulling over to throw up, but no, he just wanted to be extra dramatic. If they pick him for the next Bachelor I'll certainly throw up, I'm telling you. I can't take his android ways one more second. So, I was hoping they'd have pics from the show last night, but alas, abc.com is trying to mess with me. Sigh. I wanted to see some hot stuff shots from those tropical dates. YUM! I thought her date with Jeremy was OK, until I saw the hotness with Jason and Jesse - those were some great dates! I can't decide which one I like more. Both dates felt like the most romantic dates ever. I'd be dying if I were DeAnna. How do you choose?The date with Jason was awesome. I loved their kayaking and how cute they interact. And throwing the fantasy suite card after one sentence? Adorable! He's like a big kid I just want to hug. Here's a question - after all these years, why do they even read those stupid fantasy suite cards? It's a waste of time, just go shnick shnock and be done with it!Didn't you love how Jesse called DeAnna "D"? It melted my heart. I can't get over how much more I love this guy every week. Their date might have been the most romantic...especially when they were snuggling on the beach or frolicking (and yes, they were definitely frolicking) in the ocean. And she picked him FIRST! That was major. I couldn't believe it. The rose ceremony was a shocker, that's for sure. But really, I thought the exact same thing about Jeremy - he might've looked good "on paper" (although I didn't think he was perfect - did she really have to keep saying that?), but perfect on paper doesn't stir the heartstrings. The only criticism I had of Jason was his five o'clock shadow. Did he forget his razor? Perhaps he thought it made him look tough, but I just wanted him to shave. Speaking of shaving, WHY ON EARTH DID GRAHAM SHAVE?!?!?! I couldn't figure out what was wrong until I saw the clips of his hot stubble. Are you kidding me? It wasn't helping his tough guy routine. And why was he trying to be so tough? I couldn't believe how much he was STILL fighting with DeAnna. I guess she did make the right choice after all. Um, this guy was on the show for two seconds. Why did he have so much to say? Twilley's hair actually looked better a little grown out, but I still hate him. I LOVED how cute Fred was to the girl who boldly asked him out during Q&A from the audience. He's a keeper. Too bad he didn't really click with DeAnna.
So, what do we think for next week? It's such a hard call! For Jesse, he's kind of footloose and fancy free, with a bit of a nomadic lifestyle, but it would only be Jesse and "D." With Jason, she'd have instant family, but she'd be in one place all the time. Either way my heart will break for the one who goes home. I do think she's going to be really happy. What's up with Jesse's new haircut? And both of them at her family's house at the same time? Can you say awkward?


  1. Aaaaahhh! Relief to see that you actually posted today. I was starting to hyperventilate without your insights. Seriously, could last night's show have been any better? I would take either Jesse or Jason in a heartbeat. They are both so genuine and I really like Deanna now that I see that these two made it to the end. It says a lot for her. I'm getting anxiety about who she sends home next week, I don't want either one of those hearts to be broken. Can't she just be a polygamist and choose them both?

  2. One more comment...what is the deal with that dress that Deanna was wearing for the Rose Ceremony? It looked like an 80s prom dress gone bad with that huge bow, plus she couldn't walk very well in it. It was hideous. I hope she is wearing something a little classier for next week's rose ceremony seeing as there is supposedly a proposal coming. With all of Jeremy's drama when she sent him home, that still played second fiddle to Deanna's dress, which could not be ignored.

  3. Once again, couldn't wait to read your blog. Ditto, Ditto, Ditto ot everything you said. I was so giddy when she sent Jeremy home, I really was counting on her keeping him around. I has so much respect for Deanna now that I know she actally gets how freakin awesome Jesse and Jason are. I don't think it has ever happened that I love the tow people that are left. It will be hard that it will be such a happy and sad ending at the same time for the finale.
