Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Everybody's Doing It

I'm sure this will come as an absolute shock to, well, NO ONE, but sometimes I tend to get a teensy bit obsessed with things. (I know, close your mouth, as I'm positive it's hanging wide open in disbelief.) It's true. This week, my current obsession is Facebook. I don't know why. Truth be told, I think myspace is a lot more fun (even if I'm well past the appropriate age to have a myspace account) and most of the time the feeds on Facebook just annoy the crap out of me. But, then there are other times, like this week, when I just find everyone in the world I've ever known. OK, that's not entirely true (because, come on, I'm incredibly popular and have tons of friends - how could I possibly find every single person? HA!), but there are a LOT of people on Facebook and for the most part, they're on the level. I mean, you can't really lie (well, you can, but not quite as easily as on myspace - or liespace, as my friend JD calls it), so you can find a lot more people AND it seems super fun (well, at least for about five minutes - then I remember why I lost track of them to begin with).
Today I found a bunch of work people, a ton of Sundance people, and a bunch of people from home that I don't give two shakes about. Oh, snap. Did I just say that? I like looking at pictures and seeing what everyone's been up to. Of course, then I move along to someone else (do I have the attention span of a pea, or what?), but it does provide temporary immediate gratification. I just wish it had the cool backgrounds like myspace, because having a homepage without any pink on it just seems wrong in a multitude of ways.

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