Thursday, July 3, 2008

A Close Encounter

It occurred to me the other day that I haven't talked about celebrities for awhile. Granted, I do have another blog that deals specifically with those encounters (Pinky's Fandance, per McBrian's suggestion, which is still pretty new and in the infant phase), but sometimes it's nice to spice up the day with a fun little story from Sundance. You know you love it! And if you don't, tough. Skip ahead to a different post then. :)
This year I had the amazing opportunity to meet, talk to, and, well, (don't be too jealous) drive Glenn Close around (in her own car, mind you). I can't even put into words how exciting that was. I'd just come from getting my picture with Luke Wilson (which was already mind blowing) and I was on cloud nine. So, I'm hanging out, talking to this couple who was waiting for the bus. Since I was talking primarily to the man, I didn't really notice the woman part of couple until, suddenly, I looked over at her and said, "Oh my goodness. You're Glenn Close." I told her I'd seen her at the festival practically every year, but always froze around her (because, hello, she's Glenn Close) and could never find the strength to ask her for her picture. She was SO awesome. She actually said to me, "You should never let anyone intimidate you like that." Can you believe it? A-maz-ing. So, there they were, waiting for a bus to get to a screening (it was her husband's movie, so he kind of had to be there). No busses were coming (is it busses or buses, I can never tell), since it was the middle of the day and they get all bunched up. I said if my car were close, I'd be happy to drive them myself, but it was in another lot. So, Glenn looks at me and was like, "Would you drive our car?" Heck yes! Oh, I almost forgot - as our picture was being taken, she pointed at me and said, "The Pink." So funny. Our ride to the theater was hysterical. I drove a car full of her and her family (and/or friends) and it was such a trip to look in the rearview mirror and see Glenn Close (or GC, as I like to call her - just kidding!) talking to me. Was I in a dream? They were cracking jokes the whole ride, calling themselves "Pinky's Prisoners" and wondering if I was going to drive them to Wyoming. :) I drove them right to the front of the theater and they took my cell phone number in case they needed me to drive them around later (!). How cool is that? I drove their car back to the original theater and carefully left the keys in the middle consule, per their request. They said if I picked up anyone for a ride back, I should charge $20 and we'd all split the profits. So silly. It was easily my greatest celebrity story of the year. So unexpected and cool! I loved how down to earth and nice she was. She made my whole day (well, festival, actually!).

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