Monday, July 14, 2008

Batman Owns My Heart

True confession time: I LOVE LOVE LOVE Batman movies. Seriously. LOVE them. I cannot freaking wait for The Dark Knight to come out on Friday and am SO bummed that my dad won't be back until Sunday from his trip to Yellowstone. If I had my way, I'd be at the midnight screening Thursday night. Seriously. That's what a Batman nerd I am. I suppose I could still go to the midnight movie on Thursday and then see it again on Sunday, but what fun is that? I should be a good daughter and just wait. Right? Right. Bug.
My favorite Batman movie (aside from the last one, which was awesome) was Batman Returns because I loved Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman. She was so cool. I couldn't get enough of that movie and am so excited the new ones keep being made.
In general, I'm kind of a closeted comic book themed movie nerd (did that make any sense?), but Batman is my favorite action hero of all. And Christian Bale playing him? YUM. He is scrumptious delicious. Amazing. Just a few more days to go! I can't wait! :)

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