Monday, July 14, 2008

Another Day, Another Bachelorette Update

Wahoo!! For those of us who can't get enough (and it's not just me, in case you were wondering), DeAnna and Jesse have set up their own website to provide updates on what's going on with them: Oh, and apparently, when they were at the Dodgers game, fans flocked to them throughout the entire game. "They were so friendly and didn't turn anybody away," the source adds. "They took a million pictures and signed a ton of autographs!" See, Shmeg, if they were anywhere near us, we could totally go get pics with them! :)


  1. Meg told me about the website, that is awesome!! You can bet that I will be checking it frequently, because I CAN'T get enough!

  2. That Dodgers picture of them is so cute. I die every time I look at them together. Geez, I am so enamored. I may just have to find a way to send a wedding gift!
