Monday, July 14, 2008

American Idol Gives Me Shingles

I'm just going to say it: I'm not a fan of American Idol. I know, I know, I'm revolting against the rest of the free world, but there you have it. Aside from Kelly Clarkson (who I LOVE), I haven't really found much I like from watching the show, or the people who've come from it (wait, I guess I do like Daughtry...). I suppose there was a time when I used to watch it, but when Ruben beat Clay, I was out.

My dad, on the other hand, is a huge fan. He LOVES American Idol, and specifically loves David Archuleta - thinks he's better than sliced bread. So, he was chomping at the bit to go see the stupid (oops, did I just say stupid?) American Idols Live concert in SLC. Bugged me for freaking ever to order the tickets. Drove me crazy with his constant reminders. So, I finally got the tickets and was done with it. And then, horror of all horrors (according to my dad, that is) David Cook won the finals and my dad decided he would no longer watch the show and told me to sell the tickets. Are you kidding me? After all that? I don't think so. I mean, I don't even want to go, but on principle alone, I'm not selling the hard-to-get tickets.

So, the day of the dreaded show is here. Tonight we're going to see American Idols Live. Blech. I'm hoping I can bring my crochet into the show because then at least I'd be productive while suffering. I know, I know, I should have a better attitude. I'm sure plenty of people would love to go see the freaking Idols. Positive attitude. Positive, still not working. Better try a little harder on that one.

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