Monday, July 7, 2008

Bubbles Make People Happy

Isn't it funny how the smallest event, like blowing bubbles, can transport you back into childhood? Yesterday afternoon I was able to sit on the porch and blow bubbles with two little super cute two-year-olds (who were instant BFF's, by the way). It's always amazing to watch how something as simple as blowing bubbles can bring such joy to children and make you appreciate the simple things. I loved all the colors of the bubbles and watching how much fun the kids had doing them. I've been having a hard time figuring out what to blog about this weekend, because one of my brothers prefers to not have his children featured on the blog, which is totally fine, but considering most of my pictures were of his children, or with the group of kids, it was hard to find pics I could use. The one below is probably one of my favorites of the weekend. I hope it's OK to show it because it shows how cute the kids were together. They were born two days apart and have only met one other time, but they were instantly bonded. I'm glad I won't be around this morning when they realize they're not together anymore, because it's going to be sad times for their little hearts. I love that everywhere they went, they had to hold hands. Wouldn't the world be a better place if everyone decided to hold hands and go together?

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