Friday, July 11, 2008

The Age Old Question: Coke or Pepsi???

I've got this friend (whose name will remain anonymous to protect the innocent) who LOVES LOVES LOVES her Diet Coke. She loves it so much that her mother wants to stage an intervention. She loves it so much that when we go to dinner and she orders a Diet Coke, if they say, "We have Diet Pepsi, is that OK?" she actually says no and whips out a Diet Coke miraculously from her purse (I believe she's got a secret stash of them in there). If she could marry Diet Coke, she probably would (OK, now that was just for fun).

Now, as everyone knows, there's not much I love in this world (with the exception of the color pink, flamingos, Hello Kitty, and, oh, OK, my family and friends) more than Diet Pepsi (Diet Vanilla Pepsi, to be exact). If I could pump it into my veins I probably would. However, if I'm at a restaurant and they only have Diet Coke, I drink what they have. Does that mean my love is not as strong? Am I not as loyal as I once thought? I took the taste tests while blindfolded as a child. I don't remember which one I chose. Oh no, does that mean I'm not a true DP believer?!?

(This is called "Where Diet Coke Comes From" by the way)

Which one do you prefer? Do you have to have your specific selection at restaurants? Inquiring minds want to know.


amywells said...

DIET COKE! I want to go to dinner with your friend that keeps them in her purse:)

Amy said...

I don't like coke or pepsi, and will always choose water over any soda besides Dr. Pepper. "What's that you say? You only serve Mr. Pibb? I'll have water, thank you."