Monday, July 7, 2008

Absolutely Cuckoo

So, I'm totally crazy about the song I just added called, "Absolutely Cuckoo." Check out the words, they're fantastic:
Don't fall in love with me yet
We only recently met
True I'm in love with you but
you might decide I'm a nut
Give me a week or two to
go absolutely cuckoo
then, when you see your error,
then, you can flee in terror
like everybody else does
I only tell you this cause
I'm easy to get rid of
but not if you fall in love
Know now that I'm on the make
and if you make a mistake
my heart will certainly break
I'll have to jump in a lake
and all my friends will blame you
There's no telling what they'll do
It's only fair to tell you
I'm absolutely cuckoo
28 introduced me to the song the other night. Obviously, I'm a big fan.
So, on the way home last night, I stopped and took a walk with a new guy (no nickname yet, it's a little too soon). We've been emailing for a little bit and decided to step up the emails to a real meeting. My mother was a little worried he might chop me up, but we met in a public place and I had very little fear of becoming chopped up bits stored in his freezer.
Oh, of course we met in Liberty Park. Would you expect any less? It was a nice walk, I had a great time, and hopefully we'll see each other again. In fact, he suggested we go hiking next time, which would be fun (and also handy, since we all know I'm on a quest to become an Adventure/Outdoorsy Girl). The only thing that threw me off at the end of the night was that he mentioned he found and read my blog. Um. Wow. I mean, it's not that I'm trying to hide anything (I'm an open book, as anyone knows), but it literally felt like I'd been cut open and he looked at my brain (OK, dramatic). It was a little bit disconcerting, but not anything I couldn't get over (obviously, since I'm already blogging about it). He actually made the comment, "You have Hello Kitty written all over you" or something like that and I was like, "Hey!" (since I'd just written a blog with that title). That's when he confessed. All in all, I think it went fine and really, I suppose someone coming into it armed with all the information about my crazy isn't necessarily a bad thing (as he did still agree to meet me). Hopefully we'll go on that hike soon; sounds like fun!

1 comment:

MaryDoYaWantTo said...

Mmmm sounds like a nice walk in the park! Maybe he'd go kayaking with you! That'd be cool.