Friday, June 27, 2008

Yes, I Are A Blonde (that was intentional, btw)

Last night was just one of those nights. I came home from my walk and was talking to my cute boys (in Florida) on the phone while trying to prepare my oven to actually be used (which is quite a feat in itself). So, to prepare said oven, I had to clear out everything inside (read: pots, pans, basically anything that can be kept out of sight in order to make room for more flamingos to be displayed...priorities, right?). Well, apparently, I didn't quite clear everything out, because shortly after I started pre-heating the oven, I smelled something terrible. I kind of thought it might just be the oven protesting never being used, but alas, that was not the case. When I did an inspection of the oven, to my horror and dismay I discovered I'd left my white, plastic colander in the oven. I'm fairly certain I actually uttered the expression "Sh*tballs!" (who says that?)

Today I'm mourning the loss of my colander. RIP poor colander. You've served me well, through many, many buttered pasta meals and mac-n-cheese feasts. You'll be missed. Then, while I was trying to clean out the oven (really, how does one remove a sad, melted colader from a hot oven? Not easy, not easy at all. I'm amazed I escaped without massive burns), I must have stirred up some unrest in my craft storage area, because suddenly, a tower of crap (wait, did I just call my beloved craft area crap?) fell down with a loud crash. Nice. Just what I needed.In case you're wondering what that super cool thing in the bottom right corner is, behold it's glory:Where does my sister find this stuff? The object of the game is to go out on as many dates as possible. Hilarious!

Suffice it to say, last night was not a banner night for me. The pink palace is still in shambles. Debra, feel like coming to SLC? J/K.


  1. That depends. Will I find my previous work as I left it? :)

  2. OMG that's an awful mess you were left in to just use the oven! BTW this is Mother Baked!!!
