Monday, June 16, 2008

What a Fun Site!

I just discovered this super fun site online called Of course, I had to try it out. I wasn't sure what to do, so I used the pic of me and monkey (and yes, I realize that monkey is not technically a real pet, but hey, at least I won't kill it). Just humor me here. Go check it out!


  1. I am loving the post. Great photo's

  2. Hi Pinky,

    My name is Amy and I am Pyper's anut(and Heidi's sister but I will say Pyper's anut first). I had been looking for the People mag cover on your blog and got totally pulled into your site. You are veryinteresting and funny so we will need to hang out next time I come to visit:)

  3. Oops, apparently I don't space well.
