Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Time Warp

This morning as I was driving to work, I felt like I was in a time warp. It started with Prince's "1999" coming on the radio, which made me reflect on being really young and thinking how far away the year 1999 seemed to be (and now it seems like it was a million years ago). Then, the next song was Wang Chung's "Everybody Wang Chung Tonight," which was an album (yes, it was an actual LP ALBUM, which I played on my super cool record player) I won on the radio when I was like 12 and listened to all the time. Who doesn't want to Wang Chung tonight?
There's a girl at my work who didn't seem to get the memo that the 80's are over. Today she's wearing almost the exact outfit that my sister wore to the Duran Duran concert last month (when we dressed up in 80's inspired outfits), complete with big hair, pearls, and funky colors. She's so magnificent in her obliviousness (is that a word?) that I can't stop looking at her. It's like a train wreck and I can't seem to avert my eyes. She's so totally awesome, it's tubular! :) Like totally. Fer shure. Grody to the max.

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