Wednesday, June 18, 2008

So, A Blonde Walks Into a Bar....

I probably should have called this post "Yet ANOTHER Blonde Moment," but it seemed a little bit too true. Yesterday, as I was trying to figure out my trip and how to get to the airport (you know, minor details), I pulled up my e-ticket for my flight to check the time and realized that I BOOKED THE WRONG DAY. Duh! Who does that? I need to be flying into Long Beach either Friday night or Saturday morning for the wedding (which is on Catalina Island at four in the afternoon, so I need to take an hourlong boat over there at either noon or two) and the flight I booked is for Saturday night. Well, that just won't do. I called stupid Delta to change the flight (since it was really easy to do with my Southwest leg of the trip going to Arizona after the wedding) and they wanted to charge me $100 to make the change (when my ticket was only $79). Blurgh. What a nightmare! On a positive note, at least I didn't end the call with, "Thanks for nothing!" See, I can show some restraint once in awhile.
Luckily, I was able to get the last seat on a JetBlue flight (which I love flying anyway because it's so cool to watch TV on the plane the whole time) going out early Saturday morning, but it's still sucky. I was hoping to get over to Long Beach Friday night so I could spend some extra time with my brother's family. Hopefully I'll get to see him Saturday when I get in, but who knows. At this point, the trip is such a nightmare in planning, I'm going to be happy when it's all over and I can stop going out of town every weekend. Plus, I'm missing the Farmer's Market, which causes me pain. I TLF the Farmer's Market and look forward to it every Saturday morning. Next week I'll be there for sure...if I survive the wedding/AZ trip/George Michael concert. :)

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