Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Shameless Scentsy Plug

I'm a huge candle freak. I LOVE being surrounded by hot stuff scents that make me happy. My challenge has been that for whatever reason (and it's possible it's a user error, but I doubt it), my candles explode. Yes, that's right, I said explode. I'll be lying down, taking a peaceful nap while burning my fave scent and then hear the dreaded POPPING sound of my candle exploding. If you come into my place and look up at the ceiling, you'll find candle wax. Everywhere. It's in my bathroom, all over the walls, cabinets, floor, and shower (freaking flying wax). Apparently, both my candle warmers seem to be possessed and while I probably should have just pitched them, I guess I couldn't admit that they both had trouble (hence using them in different rooms to see if perhaps the plug was the problem).
Imagine my delight to discover the Scentsy candles. Has anyone tried the amazing Scentsy products? Oh my goodness, I'm totally hooked. I bought a warmer and the pumpkin spice scent about a month ago (just to try it for research purposes) and I'm thrilled to report that my front room is wax free (well, except for the old wax that exploded there). Not only that, but my place smells terrific and I'm clamoring for new scents and ways to mix it up. I want to get a burner in my room, in my bathroom, in my car (they have car candle things), everywhere! Oh wait, am I starting to obsess? That's unusual. Admittedly, I was a little leery going into the first purchase, thinking they couldn't really be that much different from normal candles, but I was wrong. They're amazing. They're revolutionary (OK, now I'm going overboard). Oh, and did I mention they're on sale now?? :) Wow, see it IS a shameless plug - but, to be fair, I did put it right in the title (so I did warn you). I just so happen to be hosting a Scentsy catalog party until Monday (the 9th). I've got a huge tub of scents on my desk at work (to play with) and would be more than happy to share them with anyone interested (shameless!!!). Or, you can check out the website: Whether or not you're interested now, I still think they're a white hot item that should be looked into at some point. If you love candles (and really, who doesn't?), then you deserve some love! Oh, and can you figure out which of the burners in the picture above is the one I selected? Ten points to the first person with the right answer! (Really? 1o points? Were we playing a game? Interesting).


  1. MY guess is first column, third one down. Hard to tell though, there is another one that COULD be pink.

  2. Hmmm. Second column, second one down? The one with flowers?

  3. I'm having second thoughts. Maybe the sunburst?

  4. Shmeg - I'll give you a pass since the pic was small (but the one you picked had sports things on it, so, no, that's not mine). What I'd really like to say is: Are you kidding me? But you're right - it is slightly pinkish.

    Debra - Ten points on the first guess! :) But you did second guess, so perhaps it's five points... :) ha ha ha.

  5. Should have gone with my gut. :)

  6. I love the scentsys. I have one and love it!!!! Have you tried the pink grapefruit scent? It is delicious, and PINK!!!!!
