Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sassy Phoenix

If you look up the definition for "girly girl" in the dictionary, it's quite possible you're going to find a picture of my niece, Phoenix (she wasn't born in Arizona, btw, so her name is totally acceptable). She is the sassiest, funniest, girly girl I've ever met. She's the only person I know who could get away with wearing a full length ball gown in her school picture, complete with a butterfly crown AND a string of pearls. The first day I was in Arizona, we were taking turns picking out some lip gloss. I picked the wrong one and immediately tried to trade. She said, "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit." Well, alright then. The funniest thing happened right before I left when Max spilled some soda at a store. As soon as it happened, he looked at my sister and said, "Sowwy, Mom." To which Phoenix responded, "Sorry isn't going to bring that drink back." All of us just started cracking up. How do you resist laughing at something so sassy?

Phoe slept with me on the first night and couldn't seem to stop talking (perhaps it's a family trait?). Here's a sample of what went on:
Phoenix: Um, Auntie, guess what? (pause for story, or for Auntie to wake up)
Phoenix, Um, Auntie, guess what? (repeat to infinity)
I kept waiting for her to say, "This one time, at band camp...."
Phoe reminds me so much of my sister it's scary. Sometimes we'll be playing and laughing and she looks so much like Erin when she was her age that I'm instantly transported into childhood playing with my sister again. Oh, but she was very upset to learn that I didn't have a second favorite color - it's pink, pink, and more pink for me. Apparently, I was supposed to choose purple, but come on. Are there other colors than pink?

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