Monday, June 9, 2008

Random Musings for a Monday Morning

Just a few random musings to start this lovely (cough cough) Monday Morning:
  • Hypothetically speaking, of course, does going out with a 28-year-old guy make me a cougar?
  • Why is it that when someone turns 40 everyone says they're "over the hill," but when someone dies at age 44, the same people say "Oh, it's such a shame, she was so young?"
  • Am I too old to enjoy the musical stylings of Miley Cyrus (aka Hannah Montana)?
  • Why do weekends go so fast and Mondays drag on forever?


  1. Ok Mondays suck. Simply just suck. I know other women our age who like Billy Rays daughters music. I am not sure about the age thing.

  2. Oh and I would say no to the cougar thing. I think you gotta be older for that label.
