Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Poor, Poor Graham

OUCH. I got back late last night and, of course, had to watch "The Bachelorette" right away (before unpacking or anything productive). Can I just say OUCH? Poor Graham. I know, he had it coming...was he trying to get kicked off? Perhaps DeAnna doesn't like guys whose names don't start with J. Is it a coincidence that the Top Three are all J names: Jason, Jesse, and Jeremy (the android)?
So, I thought the hometown dates went well, especially since after every date, I thought that was the person she should pick. I don't think I'd want to be in her position...that would be SO hard! Jesse was super cute on his carriage ride and was an adorable teacher on the slopes. He's definitely growing on me, but do I see them together long term? Hard to say. At least he finally manned up and kissed her! It was a pretty hot kiss, too. Well done.
Jeremy, um, wow. He seems like a "good on paper" type of person, but will that cut the mustard in the end? Does he have the va-va-voom? If she described him has perfect one more time, I might've thrown up. Sure, he looks good, has nice things, a cute dog, etc., but what's with him never entertaining before? Doesn't he have any friends? Why doesn't he at least have his family over? Bless his heart. Poor little android.
Jason was adorable, as always. Loved the interactions between him and his son and DeAnna generally seemed to be won over by the idea of having an instant family. I thought she blended in well to his life and they seemed happy. That is, until she saw Graham and went all crazy again.
What is it about Graham that makes her lose her mind? Do they always have to fight? I couldn't believe how much they fought after she rejected him...but I'm DYING to see what his letter said! He had to know he was getting the's not like their date ended well at all. Too bad we won't get to look at him anymore. He was delicious.
Next week it looks like Jesse prudes out and doesn't go to the fantasy suite. Hasn't he watched this show before? Who doesn't know that's coming? The only person I've ever seen pass it up before got the boot shortly thereafter. Jesse would be smart to at least use the time to hang with DeAnna. Perhaps they'll let her change her mind and bring Graham back? Everything else has been unconventional this season, why not add some more drama? That would rule!


  1. Couldn't wait to read up on your bach update. I agree with you on everything, but I think that Jesse does end up accepting the fantasy suite, i just think that they were throwing that in as a "teaser". I bet he accpets.

    By the way hadn't realized that they all start with "J". Duh? I don't really want her to pick Jeremy he doesn't have as much personality as the other two. He seems kind of dry. I would rather see Jesse and Jason as the final two.

  2. Kristen, I just finally watched the whole thing. Damn work was getting in the way and I have been dying to see what happens. Graham is so hot, but too closed up. They wouldn't have a good relationship. And I am in LOVE with Jesse and Jason. I think they are both so genuine and good husband material. Plus, Jesse just gets hotter every episode. I could eat that boy up. He would be so fun to hang around. Plus, Jason is a great dad. These qualities go much farther than a good looking android with a nice place and a dog. Sorry Jeremy. Can't wait till next week. Maybe we will get to see what Graham's letter on the Men Tell All. Doubt it though, I think it was just a teaser.
