Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Noises Shmoises

Does anyone have any really irritating sounds that drive them crazy? I was in a meeting earlier today when someone was jingling the change in their pocket and realized it might make for an interesting discussion. What other sounds drive me bonkers, you ask? Aside from jingling change, here are my top three:
  1. Unanswered telephones

  2. Someone clipping their fingernails (it's like nails on a chalkboard, but that's too generic to use) - especially when they're at work. Don't they know that other people can hear them?? I do work in a cubicle farm....

  3. Gum being chomped, popped, and snapped. Makes me want to pull that gum out and whip it around on their face or shove it up their nose (wow, so angry!)
Now, it's entirely possible I'm just anal-retentive and overly critical, but I'm almost positive that's not the case. :)


  1. How about when I am on m cell phone and my kids are saying mom, mom, mom, mom, like 8 thousand times. UGHHHH!!! That one get me everytime.

  2. A certain someone clicking and clicking on his phone reading the news while the news is on TV.

  3. Henry asking "Mom, Can I have a snack?" for the 100th time in one day. I promise, I am not exaggerating.
