Saturday, June 28, 2008

Monkey Goes To Farmer's Market

This morning I was finally able to attend my beloved downtown Farmer's Market (which goes on from June to October every year). While there's tons of great stuff there (produce, arts/crafts, yummy salsa and honey, etc.), my favorite things to find are my blown glass necklaces.

I'm not going to lie to you - I completely worship them. I probably own at least, oh, five million necklaces already (slight exaggeration, but not by much), yet I can never get enough. Oh, and Monkey decided to hang out with their monkey...see, he's making friends!

The necklaces are made by my friend Travis, who I met a few years ago when I couldn't stop going to their booth. He and his wife, Allie (still newlyweds that met in Junior High - cute, huh?), have become great friends and I look forward to hanging out with them every week (plus, I get to see the new masterpieces Trav makes). They call me their best customer and I usually just hang out at the booth and help sell them (since I love them so much, I think everyone should have at least one).


  1. I am so getting one of thise necklaces next weekend.

  2. Yay for the monkey makin friends!!!

  3. Thanks for the kind words, my friend. It was so great to see you yesterday!! Now we can really feel like Farmers Market is in session - Pinky has marked her territory!! I love you. I love you dearly. Allie
