Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Live In 25, But George Michael Doesn't Want My Sex

The George Michael concert was a ton of fun. Interesting, for sure, but definitely entertaining. My sister and I got dressed up in our awesome outfits and matching sister shirts (yes, we're so cool) and then proceeded to the show. Phoenix, my now seven-year-old niece, advised on our hair. Cute, right?We made sure to bring Monkey for his first concert. Considering George Michael has a song called "Monkey" we thought it was totally appropriate (and hilarious). Hey, we laughed even if everyone else thought we were insane. The funny thing was that no one thought we were lunatics - in fact, many people said how much they wished they'd brought their monkeys and everyone knew why having a monkey on my back was hysterical. Here's an action shot before the show.My favorite part of the night was when we were walking back in after intermission (by then Monkey was in my bag because he gets hot around my neck, so I took him off) - someone in the crowd actually said, "Where's your monkey? I want to wear the monkey!" See, Monkey has was pretty exciting! Of course, I didn't share my monkey with a stranger, because he was sitting kind of far away and I didn't want him to steal Monkey, but I was impressed with the interaction.The concert itself was a blast from the past. George started off strong with a lot of peppy, upbeat songs that made you dance in your seats. However, after his 20 minute intermission (WTF??), he pretty much sang ballad after ballad after ballad. Don't get me wrong, no one can belt out a ballad like George, but come on. He had this amazing screen show behind him, though - three big screens that had graphics going constantly - it was like a Vegas show or something. Do you remember that iPod commercial with George doing his signature move (the hip shake)? The show kind of reminded me of an extra long iPod commercial. The good thing about all the ballads was that it gave us time to observe everyone around us and give them all names. Directly in front of us, a little to the right, we had Cul-de-sac Guy (because his balding hair turned his head into a cul-de-sac), who was old and kept getting burned out on grooving. Then, we had Vegetarian Girl (you know you can totally envision who I'm talking about), who was sitting two rows ahead of us, but jumped seats to sit next to Sexually Ambiguous Overusing Hand Motions Guy directly in front of us, which fascinated us the rest of the night. We thought he was gay (as a majority of the crowd was - WHAT?!?!? At a George Michael concert? - I know, I was shocked), so to watch them get more and more drunk and start groping each other (when he could put his hands down from making #1 signs, peace signs, rock signs, etc., that is) was pure entertainment. Almost better than the show. Here's a picture of the backside of the mismatched couple.
I wish I knew the rest of their story. We were sure they wouldn't even make it out of the building - they'd probably be snogging in the bathroom immediately following the show. To the left of us was a lady who looked like a human monkey (we had to keep our Monkey away from her, lest he start desiring her) and her bee-bopping, overly exuberant gay son. I think we just called them Monkey Lady and her Gay Son. I know, we're so mean, but it made for hours of neverending entertainment! :)
The biggest letdown of the show was the he didn't play "Wake Me Up Before You Go" OR "I Want Your Sex" - I mean, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?! Granted, he played for a long time, put on a good show, and did sing the majority of his hits, but really?!?! I read a review today where he said he won't perform either song because he's too old. Boo hoo. If you can wear a cop uniform and prance around, you can sing those songs, bathroom boy. For the very last song, he asked the audience to shout out what his last song should be, so my sister and I yelled, "I Want Your Sex!!!" Sadly, we must not have gotten the memo, because EVERYONE else in the entire venue shouted, "Freedom." Blurgh. Like "Freedom" trumps "I Want Your Sex." That's lunacy.
P.S. Give it up for my new camera - these pics were taken from pretty far away and they look amazing when cropped! Sheesh, the camera could see better than we could!


  1. Who is too old for I Want Your Sex??? That song rocks...

    I think your monkey should have his own journal - or at least a pictorial travel journal. :-)

  2. Kristen, you rock! I love that you went to this show. Sounds like it was a great time.

    George is lame though for holding out on his big hits. Too old? Come on, I don't think so.

    Glad you are home safe :)

  3. I also think your monkey should have his own blog!!! He is awesome! MB
