Friday, June 13, 2008

Lagoon Day

It happens once a year – kids anxiously look forward to it, families plan for it, and singles dread it (at least I know I do). Today is my company day at Lagoon. For anyone that doesn’t know, Lagoon is an “amusement park” (yes, the quotes were necessary) in Utah. Having grown up in California and experienced “real” amusement parks (sorry, but it had to be said) like Magic Mountain and Disneyland, I consider this place to be like a second-cousin-twice-removed from an actual park of endless fun; but it’s free, you get to see a bunch of work people with their families (which is always interesting) and they provide a nice dinner, so I usually go. Last year is the only year I missed (due the concussion), but every other year, I’ve gone with Lagoon Jeff (now you see where he got his name). This year is no exception. To me, Lagoon Day is the equivalent of the office Christmas party where you drag along a date and everyone judges who you’re with. I always stress about not having anyone to bring, and if I do bring someone, what will everyone think. In reality, I don’t think anyone really cares, as they’re all too busy with their families and riding rides and doing whatever it is you do at Lagoon to have fun. The last time I went, we were on those terrible things that hang and fly across the park to get you to the other side (and Lagoon Jeff kept trying to make it swing and I thought I might fall out), and I was looking around the ghetto park and said, “Did you really think this was cool growing up?” I don’t think he was all too happy with me, but come on. I’m sure if that’s all you know, it must be hot stuff (like when the county fair came once in a year – that was super fun to me), but as an adult it just doesn’t really float my boat. Perhaps this year will surprise me and I’ll fall in LOVE with Lagoon. OK, probably not. The funniest part about the day is that we work a short day (six hours, but get paid for eight) and, aside from the day before Christmas, it’s the least productive day of the year. Isn’t that hysterical? People are actually so excited about going that they can’t even find it in them to function properly at work (which is ironic, when we’re being sent there by the company we should be working for). Yippee, yippee! Lagoon, here I come!

UPDATE: Lagoon Jeff seems to be flaking. Hmmm. Not sure if I care that much, but I guess it would've been fun to go. He'll know in a few hours if he can go. LAME. Guess I'll just pack and get ready for my trip...

1 comment:

  1. Can I just say that your blog is my all time favorite blog and I love that you update it so frequently. You really are the bomb and the queen blogger! That said, knock yourself out at Lagoon! Have some cotton candy for me...
