Saturday, June 21, 2008


I'm sitting in the airport next to a (bless their hearts) couple who
apparently just got married and would like the world to know. They're
wearing MATCHING white t-shirts with the phrase "Don't mind us, we're
on our honeymoon" on the front, the word "honeymooners" on the sleeves
(see pic), and Mr. Goobly (not their actual name)/Mrs. Goobly on the
back. Oh, and they're about 12 years old. I'm dying to ask them how
their night was, but I'm afraid they'd turn bright red, pass out, and/
or start crying from sheer embarassment. They're like a car accident
and all I want to do is stare at them. Oh, crap - it's possible that
Mr. Goobly is deaf, but I can't tell for sure. I'm definitely going to
hell for mocking them.

The picture makes me laugh - obviously my sleuth spy skills are
seriously lacking.


  1. That totally cracked me up that you were taking their pic without them knowing! What were you doing in the airport? Coming or going?

  2. Kristen, that entry made me laugh out loud because I am such a people watcher at the airport too. I would have been glued to them. I think you should have struck up a conversation with them and asked about the honeymoon night. Unless they were from Utah, it probably was business as usual. Although if they were 12 and wearing matching shirts, they probably WERE from Utah :)
