Monday, June 2, 2008

Hi Honey, I'm Home

Since I don't have anyone to actually say this to when I walk in the door after a long drive, I'm glad you're here. :) So, here's a question: Why does the drive home always go so much faster than the drive there? Does some sort of break in the time-space continuum come into play? :) It's always a mystery. The picture taken above was taken from my BFF's front window. How gorgeous is that?
Everything was so beautiful and green on the drive - I had to stop and take a few pictures.
I'm very excited to take my new snowglobes to work so they can join their many snowglobe friends on my desk. My BFF brings me them from all over the world.
Here's a picture of the snowglobe friends on my desk:

I stopped at a mall on my way to hit up the big semi-annual sale at Bath and Body Works to see if they had my lotion. Sadly, they didn't, but they had other cool deals and some Hello, Sugar bath soap for half off.

1 comment:

  1. That is some green scenery. Love the globes. Welcome back!
