Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hit the Road, Twilley

Wow, I must be psychic. Did I call the Top Four, or what? Sadly, ABC hasn’t posted any pictures from last night’s episode, so I’m going to have to regurgitate pictures from previous nights.

So, what did everyone think? I’m SO happy Twilley hit the road. I couldn’t stand that guy, especially the more they showed of him. Seriously, is he retarded? I was starting to think he might be.

Here are my pros and cons from the show:


  • Even though most of it was a waste of time, I liked the footage of the guys at home and relaxed. Plus, it helped give a little more information on them – I actually started to like Jeremy after hearing more of his story. He’s still not my favorite, but I don’t completely hate him.
  • We finally got to see how Sean's "Taming of the Mullet" happened! It seemed like such a mystery before, since earlier in the day he had a mullet and then by the rose ceremony he looked normal. Showing Robert the Barber cut it made perfect sense.
  • I loved seeing DeAnna tear it up – in a four wheeler, in a convertible, or even with the race car last week. She puts those boys to shame!
  • The "no roses on dates" thing was very smart and different for the show. I like that they seem to be experimenting more this season and trying new things. It makes it feel like anything can happen.
  • The Top Four were perfect! I was a little stressed at the end thinking she might pick Sean over Jesse, but luckily she chose cute little Jesse.
  • Graham. YUM. Their chemistry is hot stuff.
  • Jason is a sweetie. I'm kind of excited to see her interact with his son (and as a side note, Trista SO would not have been open to that...I'm just saying...)
  • I loved how she was so attracted to Jesse (but what's up with his chickening out with the big kiss?)


  • Really? Trista and Ryan AGAIN?!?! As much I liked her to begin with, this is getting ridiculous. And being toted as “The First Bachelor Family” seems like overkill, when what they should be saying is “The Only Bachelor Family.” Why do I care about her opinion? Trista couldn’t do half the things DeAnna does – can you picture Trista riding a four wheeler or getting dirty? Would never happen!
  • Despite initially being a little bit pro-Sean on their date, he still seemed way too cocky. I couldn’t believe some of the things that came out of his mouth. And did you see his closet? Is he secretly a woman? That might explain the mullet.
  • I’m getting sick of DeAnna talking about the “I don’t want to lead him on because I was lead on thing.” I thought it was a smart move that they finally stopped showing her get rejected by Brad every week, but she still talks about it constantly. We get it, you got hurt. You’re sensitive. Just make your choice and shush. Oops, was that harsh?
  • I’m super confused by the timeframe of things. When do they film those post-date interviews? I swear they showed one from Sean talking about his date last night while he still had his mullet (and did you hear her call him John, or was it just me? Harsh!). Plus, shouldn’t the show be finished? Her interview last night sounded live (since she’d been watching the show and had insights), but didn’t elude to a happy ending. I’m perplexed by that.
  • Twilley having any screen time at all. He makes my skin crawl. I mean, for someone so staunch about not “leading people on,” DeAnna sure kept him around way too long. I mean, I haven’t seen them bond on one thing. How did he even get picked for the show? Also, did he need to say, “You did good, kid” when she booted him? Who says that?

At this point, it's anyone's game, but I'm really looking forward to the hometown dates. I'm really happy with the Top Four and think for the most part she's making great decisions.

1 comment:

  1. Ditto - Hit the Road, Twilley! I don't think anyone was on the edge of their seat on that one. I was glad she picked cute Jesse over the Mullet as well. Plus, the fact that he still hasn't cut the apron strings with Mommy wasn't so good. I think she made the right choice. But as hot as I think Graham is, he is not going to commit to her, it is obvious. I think she will end up with Jeremy, which is just okay. He seems to adore her, but does he have half an ounce of sense of humor. He seems so DRY. It's going to be a boring life. I think she would do better with Jesse or Jason. They are my two front-runners. She needs someone that she can play with. Shean, I look forward to your post-Bachelorette wrap up almost as much as I do watching the show. Thanks for posting :)
