Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hello Sugar Loves Me Back

Happy day! Happy day! It's my best day!!! :) I just ran over to Bath and Body Works at lunch to see if *by chance* they had any Hello, Sugar! lotion left (it was a clearance sale, after all) and they had (drum roll please) not one, not two, but TEN BOTTLES of lotion at (this is the best part) HALF PRICE!!! :) Could I BE any more excited?!?!!? Of course I had to buy them all AND the super cool lip gloss. Look at my face. Pure happiness and joy. It's my best day! :)


  1. Oh my gosh. You are hopeless! But at least you'll smell good!

  2. What? They have that lotion here now? I want some, I really, really want some. Which store did you clean out so I can go to a different one?

  3. I went to the mall out by 3500 S. and Redwood...your best bet is probably 106th (South Towne) - they have a HUGE store there
