Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Father's Day/Happy Birthday, McHeidi!!!

As I'm not exactly sure when I'll have a chance to blog again anytime soon (please don't cry), I thought it best to post my Father's Day stuff now. After Lagoon, I'm heading to Cedar City, and then my dad and I are going to Las Vegas tomorrow for CineVegas (the Las Vegas film festival). I can't wait! I should be back on Monday, but I probably won't have any computer access until then. So, for all the big, strong men out there who happily read bedtime stories and sing to their children, Happy Father's Day! I could do a list (my dad, my step-dad - D2, my brothers, McBrian, my BFF, my friend's husbands, etc.), but I think I'll just say Happy Dad's Day to each and every one of those hardworking dads out there and be done with it. :)
On a different note, a little birdie told me that McHeidi is having a birthday, in case I miss it, Happy Birthday, McHeidi! :)

1 comment:

  1. Have a great Vaca. We should go to LV next year for our BDays. Road Trip
