Monday, June 30, 2008

Guilty Pleasures (sleep edition)

Welcome to the latest edition of Guilty Pleasures (sleep edition). Considering how much sleep I had last night, I thought it only fitting to talk about my favorite pastime (oh wait, does that make me sound lazy?) So, what makes for a good sleep, you ask? I'm afraid most of mine are going to relate to the heat (since Utah has ridiculously hot summers), but many of these items are needed year-round.

For me, it all starts with a good pillow. I LOVE my pillow. I've had it a million years and take it everywhere I go. Granted, it's probably seen better days, but I don't care. I love it.
Next, it's the down comforter. Oh, how I love my down comforter. I even use it during the summer. I love the feeling of the A/C or fan blasting cool air on me and snuggling up with my down comforter. Ahhh, heaven. Bonus note: My sister and I just found a PINK down comforter in AZ (since they probably don't need those there) for $20. Score!
Along those lines, nice, cool sheets are always a joy. Currently, I've got super cute Pink Princess sheets (what?!?!!? shocking!), but these would be fantastic. They're so cute! Sadly, they don't really make Hello Kitty sheets for adults (what? Are they trying to say I'm too old to worship Hello Kitty? Well, they're wrong), but I love them anyway.
I try to use my ceiling fan for as long as I can. Yes, this is a picture of my actual ceiling fan (jealous?). I love the noise, I love the feel of the whirling wind, and I love the breeze felt when it combines with my fan and/or AC. Speaking of cool air, I love having my box fan in my window. Pretty soon it'll be hot enough to change it up for the A/C (which is not pictured, but I'm sure you've all seen those ghetto little window A/C units). When that happens I'll need to change up my entire room, but it'll provide cool air and happiness for a long time to come. :)
As I've advanced in age, it's become necessary to add an air purifier to the nightly routine. Now I'm so used to the sound, it lulls me to sleep. I've got a boring one like the one shown above, but wouldn't this be a better one?At least my humidifier is Hello Kitty (wow, I sure need a lot of crap to sleep). This is usually only used during the summer to try and ward off those nosebleeds (which reminds me, I should start using it now), but isn't it adorable?Last but not least, there's nothing like a yummy smell to help me go off to dreamland with a smile on my face. My new Scentsy burner should be coming this week and I can't wait to use the cucumber melon scent, especially at night. Now that I know the wax won't explode onto my ceiling, I can use it way more.
So, what about you? Any tricks or special things you need, or enjoy, while sleeping? Inquiring minds want to know.


  1. For me, I need to sleep in a cool, dark room in a big comfy bed- preferably a Queen size- with a big, snuggly comforter. (I have a down one that needs to make an appearance soon- it's in need of a good dry cleaning!) Ahhh... I love to sleep as well. Sleep is good!

  2. I can see you've really figured this out. I may have to borrow one or two of those ideas. We installed a ceiling fan last year and it's become a necessity for me. The whirring noise and breeze are perfect. I'm with you on that. I, on the other hand, don't like a lot of covers in the summer. I switch out our comforter and usually just use a sheet. When I'm on my left side (not my right for some reason), I like a pillow under my knee. Have no idea why.
