Monday, June 9, 2008

Guilty Pleasures (music edition)

Everyone’s got those songs that instantly make them happy. Songs that, while they might not be current or hip, never fail to lighten the mood when they start playing. They’re the equivalent of comfort food, or the stand-by “chick flick” that can be watched when you’re in a bad mood. Actually, I think we’ve all got guilty pleasures relating to different aspects of our lives and I’d like to visit each one-on-one. But for today, let’s talk about music. I’m going to come clean and reveal my favorite guilty pleasure songs, but know that I’m not necessarily proud that these songs play on my iPod or loudly in my shower. Some might be considered embarrassing, or even downright ridiculous. But, I’ll expose myself, I’ll let my crazy show, only for you, my loyal reader. Because I’m cool like that.

Now, in no particular order, the songs that make me smile:

  1. Love Will Keep Us Together by Captain and Tennille (as a funny side note, when I was around five, I was being featured as the “Spotlight of the Week” in Primary at church and had to say all my fave things – fave food, fave color, etc. So, my mom asks me what my fave song was and I say the “Stop” song (referring to this song), but apparently, the “Stop” song wasn’t appropriate for Primary. Flash forward to me standing up in front of everyone having my faves revealed, and when they ask for fave song, my mom says, “I Am a Child of God.” What!?!?! She totally threw me under the bus!)
  2. I Need Love by LL Cool J (which was used for my campaign in high school for class president – I changed the words to “I Need Shean.” Yes, I’m a super cool rapper, in case you didn’t know)
  3. Kiss U Back by Digital Underground (come on, who can resist this song?)
  4. I Got a Man – Positive Man (now it’s going to be in my head all day: “I got a man. What’s your man got to do with me?”)
  5. You Say He’s Just a Friend by Biz Markie (oh baby YOU’VE got what I need…)
  6. Girl You Know it’s True by Milli Vanilli (I don’t even care that they lip synched, this song’s got it going on)
  7. Rock Steady by The Whispers (I danced with a super cute boy at a stake dance to this song once…ah, memories…)
  8. I’m Too Sexy by Right Said Fred (I used to have this as my ringtone, it was awesome)
  9. Baby Got Back by Sir Mix A lot (yes, I know all the words, in case you were wondering)
  10. Can’t Touch This by M.C. Hammer (remember when this song was all the rage?? I even had a Bart Simpson t-shirt which said “Can’t Touch This” on the back. Jealous?)

Inquiring minds want to know: What are your guilty pleasure songs??

1 comment:

  1. I have totally forgot about "You Say He's Just a Friend". I love that song, I might have to download it later.

    My guilty pleasure songs.
    YMCA ~ The Village People
    Dare to be Stupid ~ Weird Al
    Tainted Love ~ Softcell

    Well, I know there's more, but I don't want any more geekiness to be revealed about me.
