Friday, June 20, 2008

Gone Fishing

OK, not really. But I will be unavoidably detained until Wednesday, whilst frolicking over land and sea. I might try to mobile blog, but I'm not sure how that'll turn out. Wish me luck.
No way will George Michael be crappy or amateurish - he's going to rule! I can't wait! Have a great weekend. Until next week....keep thinking pink.


  1. Okay - so I have been slammed at work and haven't vegged out blog stalking for several days. You KNOW you are at the top of my blog list and I always read your posts even though I am often too lazy to comment. But I love your posts and often laugh out loud. You are my favorite. PS - is this new Alanis. LOVE IT!

  2. PS - Have a FANTASTIC vacation :) Can't wait to hear about George Michael. I hope he does the David Spade version of "Wake me up before you go go.." Remember that? Ha-ha!
