Friday, June 13, 2008

Fun a Great Time!

Why, hello there. Fancy seeing you here when I'm supposed to be gone. It's true, I should be. But, we got a late start to Lagoon and ended up staying until almost ten. I'm beat! However, just like my HR department suggested, we made sure to fun a great time!
So, the day turned out a little differently than I'd planned. Lagoon Jeff had to work at the last minute and while it was still possible he could go later in the day, he wasn't sure if it would be two hours, five hours, or if it'd even work out. Since I didn't want to sit around all day and then find out he couldn't go, I found my Plan B: Enter my friend, Bonny, who came to the rescue. We had a blast! Luckily, he was super low key and wasn't crazed about going on every ride. He was fine just cruising around and hanging out. We went on the train (those poor, poor animals), the Colossus, the Sky Ride (I hate that thing) and *almost* The Bat (but it broke down right as we got to the front, which it seems to do every year. How weird is that?). The scariest one we went on was this new ride called "Wicked" - oh my goodness, I was sure I was going to die. Look at the size of it! I was so glad when it was all over and I could relax. Whoever created this ride was some sort of deviant.
We also had a blast in the gift shop where I adopted my new pet monkey, Galoon. Isn't it the cutest thing you've ever seen? I'm completely in love with it. When I was little I ALWAYS wanted one of these monkeys and to find a pink one (with different shades of pink on it)? Well, I couldn't pass it up. After I bought it, I wore it all over, even on rides (how could I not when it just velcros around your neck all snuggly?). Wouldn't it be awesome if I just started wearing it all the time and turned into some super crazy monkey lady? Every day people would be whispering about me, saying, "Why does she always wear that monkey around? Is she insane?"I know, that's ridiculous, but it's funny to think about. Obviously, I've reached the point of the day where my mind roams free and thinks of things that would put me in a mental institution.Have a great weekend!

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