Thursday, June 26, 2008

Crazy Like A Max

Max, or Doon as we lovingly call him (short for Max-i-doon-a-rooney), is a riot. I can't believe how much he's talking now. He's such a ham for the camera. Every time I took a picture (usually that he asked me to take), he'd say, "I wanna see" and then go, "Cool." After almost every picture, he'd go, "Again! Again!" He couldn't get enough!The pose in the cooler was taken in about a million different ways. I love the way Porter kept trying to have his picture taken, as well. He went from posing like a frog, to looking like he was doing yoga. That kid just cracks me up.Don't you love how he's looking over at his sister with a crusty look? He's going to be able to give great looks someday! :)