Thursday, June 26, 2008

Boys Are Smelly

So, I've recently been a bit of a ball buster (who, me? Feigns innocence. Bats eyelashes.) Last week I was perusing some online ads (for research purposes, of course) and noticed that the guy in the ad looking for love (he put a pic) was the same person who stood me up last October. Jerk! So, I responded and said he forgot to mention in his ad that he'd come on strong, be nice and playful, easy to get along with, and then stand you up. Yep, I said it and it felt great! What's funny was that he responded with some b.s. about that's the way the cookie crumbles and no one is more upset about how things turned out than him. Oh, really? Was he the one left standing in front of a movie theater alone? Hmmm. Interesting. Next!
Yesterday on my walk I ran into a guy I went out with in February (let's call him Blader). We'd gone out on this great date, got along famously, and then POOF! He vanished. So, when I saw him rollerblading (see, my nicknames aren't really too hard to figure out), I decided to call him out on his disappearing act. I couldn't remember his name anyway (classy), so I said, "Hey! If it isn't Mr.-Never-Calls-Again" (or something equally witty). He must've had a labotomy in between our date and now because he couldn't remember a damn thing. He knew we'd gone out and had a great time....and that's where his memory ends. To cut him a tiny bit of slack, he did go on vacation immediately after our date, so perhaps that's where he lost his mind. He seems to think he got back and just decided it would be easier to cut all ties then instead of going out, liking each other more, and then hurting me (well, that seems a little defeatist, doesn't it?). I said, "Oh, so hurting me straight away seemed like the better option?" Interesting. So, I guess we'll see. I was pretty proud of myself, though. At the end of our encounter, Blader said, "Well, what do we do now?" And I said, "Ah, see, that's up to you, as I'm not the one who vanished." The decision seemed like the biggest thing in the world, so I finally said, "How about I give you my info and if you decide to call or email, great. If not, no worries." Now the ball is in his proverbial court. I suppose if I were a true ball buster, I'd say everyone only has one chance and then they're out of there, but perhaps I'm more of a softie than I pretend to be.
As for the old stand-bys, Biter called me, oh, about a million times when I was in California (of course). He left four messages and my phone wouldn't let us connect for whatever reason - it either hung up, didn't ring, went straight to voicemail, or just missed the calls. Blurgh! I really want to see him. I hate that I've missed his calls three weeks in a row. On a positive note, I haven't seen him at the park lately, which means he must have a place to stay, right? I'm going to pretend that's an affirmative yes. Oh, and 28 seems to have vanished. Typical man. Oh wait, but he was only 28. Doesn't that make him a boy?


  1. Wow. You have some chutzpah, Girl. I just mentioned Benji Hughes on my blog and he has a song that's perfect for this situation. Might be a good pick-me-upper since it's the guy getting stood up:
