Monday, June 9, 2008

Blonde Moment

Wow. I haven't had a "blonde moment" for a long time. That is, until today. So, I go to Liberty Park to do my walk after work, park my car, grab my iPod, grab my sunglasses, tuck my key into my bra (classy, I know), and I'm on my way. By all accounts, it seems as though I'm all set, right? Wrong. I get about halfway around the park and start to wonder why the key feels different. It doesn't feel like my car key. It feels a lot thinner. Oh, that's right. That's because I brought my HOUSE key with me. A lot of freaking good that does me.
At first, I was like, "No worries. I'll just call Angie, who's got my spare key" (since apparently at some point I did plan to lock myself out of either house or car - hence, her having my spare set). But my phone is also locked in the car (along with my purse) and all the payphones in the park are busted. I considered walking to my apartment, grabbing my other spare car key (again, this seems to have happened before), but then I remembered I'd have to walk BACK to the park to get my car and that was just too damn far. I can walk a million blocks one way, but not back (ironic, isn't it, considering I'm at the park TO WALK).
That's when I started to panic, thinking I was a goner for sure (I've mentioned my tendency to exaggerate, correct?). Luckily, I found a cute little no-teeth maintenance man who said I could use his office phone to call Angie. And even though she lives in Magna (in other words, in BFE), she's a good enough friend to come rescue me in the park. THANK YOU, ANG!!! What a lifesaver. Otherwise, I'd still be there sleeping with the flamingos (not like that'd be a bad thing, necessarily). Now I can relax at home and enjoy The Bachelorette. Yay! :)

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