Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bad Customer Service = Bad Pinky

We've all had experiences with bad customer service - whether it be a lazy/rude server, a lame company, or an overworked and unsatisfied call center worker who deems it necessary to take their aggression out on you. Having worked on the other end of the phones and being on the receiving end of what can seem like a neverending barrage of stupid questions, I know it can be frustrating. I do. I can relate and empathize with their situation. That being said, I also know it shouldn't be that hard to answer a simple question without giving off major attitude.

For the past few weeks I've been battling with an idiot company who was *supposed* to send me the entire season of Silver Spoons on DVD. Instead, all they're doing is giving me grief. The first time I spoke to their customer service department, I couldn't understand the girl who just called me ma'am after every word and talked in circles. I asked to speak to her manager, who wasn't much better. She told me I needed to call my bank to approve the charges. Well, this order was placed online and my card is fine. I shouldn't have to call my bank OR call her back in a few days to make sure my order and verify it's being processed (which she also asked me to do). I told her that the way this works is I give them my credit card info and they send me the merchandise. Simple, right? Wrong.

I could go on and on about the experience, but that would take all day. Long story short, they don't respond to emails, they've stopped answering their phone, and they claim to have shipped my order via CANADA MAIL on 5/21. Hmmm. When I went online to file a complaint, I found a whole site dedicated to people complaining about this company and how much they suck. Wish I'd seen that before they charged my card.

So, yesterday I decide to call my credit card company and dispute the charges, since this is a fraudulent company and everyone's apparently had the same terrible experience with them. Unfortunately, the person who answered the phone at the credit company wasn't much better. Now, granted, I know I've got a mean, bitchy side just like anyone else, but I really try not to let that show. I try. And when I call places, I do try to be nice. But when they're rude or ignorant or stupid, I just lose it. Before I know it, I'm saying something like (well, actually, it's almost always this), "Thank you for nothing!" and hang up. What is that? Why can't I just hang up on the phone like a normal person and not last out at the idiot on the other end? There's definitely something loose in my brain.

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