Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Bachelorette's Having a Giddy-Up Time

I think I've found something I enjoy almost as much as The Bachelorette. If you get a chance, check out this guy's (yes, a guy, which is surprising, since he kind of sounds like he's channeling my brain) live blog during The Bachelorette. It's freaking hysterical. To my extreme and total joy, he writes reviews for a bunch of my fave shows (she says, shrieking with glee). The website address is: http://blogs.abc.com/bachelorette_live/ From there you can get over to his other reviews (or at least through his profile).
So, last night's show. I missed the beginning because I didn't know it started so early (another two-hour episode? Suprising!), but I'm glad I caught it pretty close to the beginning. I turned it on right as poor little Richard was on his one-on-one date. Awwww. That was harsh. Being sent home from a one-on-one date (where you're riding around in a Cinderella carriage and it stops in the middle of the road to dump you off) is AWFUL! I couldn't believe they made him go home in the cab of shame. Poor kid. I just want to give him a big hug.
The line dancing stuff was super fun. Hello, cowboys! They all looked delicious (well, not ALL of them, but the ones who didn't are disposable anyway - in my humble opinion, that is). How adorable was DeAnna with the braids? She couldn't have been any cuter. I really like her.
I'm so glad Jason finally told her about his son. Her reaction was PERFECT. I was a little worried about (after she broke Richard's poor little heart and all) but she was so great. Having a star named after his son? That was super hot stuff. He's totally my fave.
Oh! LOVED the boys being on Ellen, but I'm dying to know who Ellen pointed to and said he wouldn't be around much longer? Does she hate the same people I do? OK, OK, hate is a wee bit strong (this is just a TV show after all). All the guys wearing Ellen boxers was great! :)
I still have no idea why stupid Twilley is on the show, but I'm stoked that Sean finally cut his hair (a mullet? Really? What century are we in?). I was surprised she picked him again, but yay for Ron to hit the road. That guy was lame and couldn't stop crying over the other guys. Is it just me, or do they all seem way too chummy?? It doesn't seem like the girls get that chummy when they're all together. Who does everyone like so far? Thoughts?


  1. I'm going to check out that blog for sure. Sounds fun. So who do I like? Definitely Jason, he is so sweet and handsome too. I liked Graham at first, but he doesn't seem to have much personality and I definitely think he would have a hard time committing to her. I think Jason is the best bet. Plus, he asked about her mom. Big points there. I love, love, love this season!!

  2. I guess I need to start watching... Is it lame that my fav show is Next Food Network Star?
