Thursday, June 26, 2008

Arizona Must Be Directly Next To The Sun

Anyone who knows me knows that my sister and I are incredibly close. I try to get out to Arizona every few months and we usually spend at least Thanksgiving together every year (in addition to most of the kids birthdays, although I don't always make it out for every one). Going to the George Michael concert was just another reason to head out there (which I would've done anyway, since I missed my normal trip in March). Despite the heat (I mean, really, who can live like that?), it was a lot of fun. We swam, we went shopping, we watched movies, and played with the kids. It's a big thing for me to be surrounded by kids 24/7 - especially since one of them slept with me every night. I live alone, so having someone around a few hours is huge for me (I know, sad). But they're so cute, who can resist those faces? Granted, I could do without the tantrums (it's times like those that I'm happy I'm an old barren spinster), but overall it was a good visit. I've been trying to figure out how to feature all the cute pics and do justice to each kid, so I think the best way is to do a post for each one.
Like the color in Phoenix's hair? We played with a hair streaker thing on the last day - I still have pink in mine.

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