Friday, June 27, 2008

Adventure Girl In The Making

So, the other day I bought a kayak at work. Yes, that's right, I said a kayak. I've always wanted to learn how to kayak and when I lived near the beach I always meant to take lessons, but I never did. So, now I own one. Granted, it's inflatable (so it won't take up a lot of space), and for two people, but I'm excited. I can't wait to use it. I think I'm going to take the tip from Shmegan and take it out on the lake (is it called a lake? It's really more of a pond) at Liberty Park (again, I told you all roads lead there). Do I need to do anything special to take it out there? Does anyone know? Do I have to have two people, or can I take it out by myself? I mean, it says it CAN accomodate two people, but I took that to mean that one person could maneuver it just fine. Perhaps these are things I should have checked out before my big $40 purchase.I've never really been an outdoorsy, adventure type girl, but maybe I should start. Perhaps I'll acquire all the things shown above and turn into a tough little cookie. Hey, it could happen.


  1. I would suggest a life jacket and sunblock. Maybe a paddle.

  2. got a kayak...I wish I could go kayaking with you! I agree with Debra's suggestions!
