I'm grumpy. I don't know what's going on with me - perhaps my monthly bill is on its way, which would at least explain the pissy attitude. Yesterday I was so ready for the day to be over that I went to bed at like 7:30. Um, yeah. Shouldn't I have rolled out of bed happy and cheery today, ready to face the dreaded Monday? Instead, I'm ready to crawl back into my beloved bed and sleep more of the day away.

I don't know why I'm so crabby. I got into that stupid fight with Mr. Can-No-Longer-Be-Named (that doesn't count, does it?) on Saturday night and have been ticked off ever since. Yesterday I went to the mall to buy new sunglasses and a cover for my phone and when I went to take my old cover thing off, part of it broke. Nice. Luckily the new iPhones are coming out soon, since the damage appears to be minimal (but still annoying). When I was out in public, I realized by no means should I be around other people, lest they feel the wrath of the pink, so I put myself to bed.

I should've known yesterday was going to be a bad day. I'd been so looking forward to finally sleeping in (and I wasn't afraid to sleep all day, if need be), but then I got this terrible nosebleed early in the morning (freaking heat) and it wouldn't stop. I finally shoved a tampon up there (hey, it works) and kind of slept. But, really, how well can someone sleep with a tampon shoved up their neverending, bleeding nose? I'd say the nosebleed was comparable to the seven-hour nosebleed of last year (I think, or maybe it was the year before)...now that was scary. I lost so much blood I was totally lightheaded and drained of energy for a week. But I digress. At least it's a short week, right? My brothers are coming to town for the holiday and I'm excited to see them.