Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Yes, that's right, I know Bobby Brady

This is Bobby Brady. IN MY APARTMENT (!!!). Jealous? You know you are. :)
So, how does one go about meeting and becoming friends with Bobby Brady, you ask? Well, I don't know. For me, it happened kind of by accident. One day last summer I was at the local Farmer's Market (as I usually am on Saturdays) and I heard this big rumor that Bobby Brady had a booth there (!). So, I'm thinking, "Yeah, right!" and went about my merry way. But the rumor persisted. Then one day a few weeks later it was confirmed that he did, in fact, have a booth there. Holy cow! I couldn't believe my ears! So, naturally, I went and got my camera and went to his booth to see if I could get a picture with him. I'd been warned, though, that he didn't respond well to the Bobby Brady thing, so I had to be sure to call him Mike (which makes sense, since that's his name).
As I was waiting for Mike (oh, who am I kidding), BOBBY, to finish talking to the client he was talking to, I fell in love with his handiwork. His booth was called "Just Add Water" and he makes concrete tables, chairs, kitchen counters, whatever. They were magnificent. I asked if he could make a pink heart table and he rose to the challenge (as evidenced by its glorious picture above). From that point on, whenever I'd go to the market (which, as I mentioned before, was pretty much every week), I'd stop by and we'd chat. Joke. Laugh. Talk about all things Brady (he's not really opposed to it, but I still call him Mike and not Bobby). When he finished my table, he brought it to my apartment. His phone number is in my cell phone. We're tight like that. :) Even now, he'll just stop by (usually for something related to the table, but come on! It's still exciting!). BOBBY BRADY. I know, it shocks me too. :)

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