Friday, May 23, 2008

When Pinky Met Meg

My friend at work asked me a good question the other day. With all the recent discussions of my top male celebrities, she asked who my top female celeb would be. Well, I'm glad you asked. Hands down, my favorite actress is Meg Ryan. It's safe to say that I can recite "When Harry Met Sally" by heart and just love practically everything she's ever done. Imagine my excitement to see that she was in one of the premieres at Sundance this year. I didn't expect in a million years that she'd actually come....but she did! :) The whole night was so perfect, it was practically kismet. First of all, I wasn't supposed to be at the screening. I know, I know...what was I thinking?? But my BFF was flying in for some of the festival and his flight came in at the same time. (I told him that he must be pretty cool to qualify for my missing Meg!). Luckily, his flight got delayed, so I was able to go. Second, I happened to see Morgan Spurlock (of "Supersize Me" and "30 Days" fame) come into the "entourage/VIP" section, which was near my seat. Well, several years ago, I'd met Morgan while I was working at the festival. He thought my whole "Pinky" thing was so funny, he took a picture for his website (yes, I'm so incredibly famous that people take random pictures of me for their websites...would you like my autograph??). At that time, he wasn't really big yet (plus, I was working), so I didn't take a picture with him (which I've regretted ever since). So, when I saw him come into the entourage section, I finally saw my chance. I yelled out, "Hey Morgan, it's Pinky!" and he came right over (!). I told him we needed a picture together, which we took, and then as we were talking, Meg Ryan came in and stood RIGHT NEXT TO ME (I was so excited I almost burst!). Let me say this - I know she's had some work done and whatever, that's her thing. But that lady is itty bitty teensy weensy. Like so little she might fly away. I kind of just froze being in the same proximity as her (she was talking to some people near me) and then when I saw my chance I reached down and pretty much HELD her hand (hello, bold move!), and asked if we could take a picture. I'm pretty sure I also rambled something about her being my favorite (hello, crazy). She said yes, but then as I went to take it, she HATED seeing her face on my screen (she actually said, "Oh, no, I don't want to see that!") and turned her head right as the flash went off. I was crushed! Come on, look at my psycho face. I look insane.
On a side note, a girl I worked with at the festival was watching from the balcony with some friends and said she was trying to show them how I always got the "big celeb" pictures. She said when Meg turned her head, they all went "OOOOOHHHH!" like at a football game or something. She was surprised I didn't hear them. Too funny. Luckily, I was able to hand my camera to someone standing near us and we took another pic (but not before Meg got distracted by the images showing on the movie screen). Oh well, good enough for me. At least I got my picture. Granted, it could have been a lot better, but it's Meg Ryan for Pete's sake (who's Pete anyway?).
It's hard to see, but I'm wearing a Hello Kitty shirt. Cool, I know. Can you see Morgan in the background? Oh, and after the movie, Meg waved to me from the stage (we took the pic before the movie, btw). How cute is that? :)

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