Thursday, May 22, 2008

What's in a name??

I'm in a rotten mood. My whole brain is shouting BLURGH at the thought of all the dumb boys out there. These quotes sum it up perfectly for me.
The only bright spot in my neverending relationship drama is that my BFF and I make up nicknames for all the interesting (yeah, let's go with that description) people coming in and out of our lives. We've found that using comical names when relaying torturous stories seem to make these dramas far more whimsical and fun. :) A few of my recent characters are Biter, Stalker, Trucker, Flaker, Cajones, Old Man, Little Boy, and Triangle. A few of his have been Chatter, Rebound Mom, Divorced Food, Designer, Hotel Girl, Doctor, Red Flag, and Swedish Fish. I know. We're so cool sometimes. :) At least the names never cease to make me smile, despite the people themselves being less than stellar.


  1. I love your Bobby Brady table. Does that tip over if you stand on it? Also love the nicknames. Swedish Fish?

  2. Boys can be a nice source of entertainment. But don't you dare let them dictate your mood!
