Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Walk in the Park

Yesterday I started back on The Diet, after a two week "sabbatical" for my birthday (hey, it's allowed). I thought I should also start back on an exercise routine I can actually stick with. So far, the only place I can go and not feel like I'm miserable and want to die while working out is Liberty Park. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Liberty Park. It's the most refreshing place and there are LIVE flamingos there!!! Every time I walk around the corner and see the flamingos, I just smile. Where else can I exercise AND smile? Nowhere. Which is why I'll happily spend my days walking around the park and rocking out to my custom mixes on my iPod. The mix I had yesterday was filled with Lou Bega (from "Mambo Number Five" fame) and Lil' Kim. Yeah, I think I'm bad-ass like that. I'm gangsta. So, I'm walking around this beautiful park and making hand motions like I'm in a disco (did I just say disco? Whats wrong w/me?). I know, I'm pretty freaking cool. :) Hopefully, the 28 pounds I lost pre-sabbatical didn't all find their way back to me. Fingers crossed!


  1. Hey I want to see a flamingo.

  2. I posted some flamingos...happy? :)

  3. So happy. I am stunned they have those groovy birds in old Utah

  4. Good for you getting out to Liberty Park & walking. I love that park too. You looked great in Park City. I bet the BD didn't affect you much!
