Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sex and the City (and stars galore!)

In honor of the Sex and the City movie coming out tomorrow (YAY!!!!), I thought it only appropriate to share my super cool photo with SJP herself (or, to you commoners, Sarah Jessica Parker). She came to Sundance this year to promote Smart People and I didn't think in a million years I'd be able to get a pic with her. I was even sitting in the front row at her movie and was totally convinced she wouldn't be nice or pose for photos. I don't know why I thought that. You know how sometimes you get a preconceived notion about someone without any basis? I was sitting by a girl who said she wanted to get her picture taken with SJP, her husband Matthew Broderick, AND Dennis Quaid (who was also in the movie) and I think I said something like, "Uh, good luck with that." Even I doubted that was possible.
Luckily, I was completely wrong about SJP. After the Q&A period was finished (where they take questions from the audience for the cast and crew after the movie), I jumped up and asked her if we could take a pic. She was so cute. She said, "Sure, but is it OK? Am I going to get in trouble?" I was like, "Um, no, you're SJP, you can do what you want." OK, I didn't really say that (but I thought it in my head). I think she was worried about squatting near the edge of the stage, but as you can see from the pic above, it all worked brilliantly (except for that putz sticking his head in my picture. Seriously. Really?). After I got the pic, I feverishly walked through the throngs of people and caught Matthew Broderick (Ferris Bueller himself) just as he was about to leave. Score!
Then, I decided, what the heck? I'll go for the trifecta and went out back where the stars/entourage exit to see if I could catch Dennis Quaid. What did I have to lose? Oh my goodness, can I just say that all three of them were SO nice to the fans. Especially Dennis. He took pictures and signed autographs for anyone who wanted one and after our picture he actually asked, "Was that OK? Do you need another one?" I was like, "Um, no, that's good, thanks." Can you believe that??? What a sweetheart! On a separate note, I also got his brother, Randy, the day before (he was wearing a full length fur coat!). Love it!

1 comment:

  1. I am excited for the sex and the city movie too. By the way I loved your posting on the Bach. I must say that Meg and I are alot more open to DeAnna this time around. I actually am starting to like her.
