Saturday, May 31, 2008

Safe and sound

Greetings from beautiful Yakima, Washington. I made it safe and sound last night and really enjoyed the scenic drive, especially the few hours spent driving through Oregon. I tried to take some pictures with my iPhone during the drive (yes, these were all taken with my phone, but the pics from the comedy show were done with my new camera - yay!). Last night we grabbed some dinner, took a little drive around the town, and started the Seinfeld marathon. However, this morning I woke up wanting to cut off my head. As gorgeous as the area is, I'm in allergy hell. Apparently, the pollen is some sort of super pollen that wants to kill me. I took about a handful of every allergy pill known to man and am currently waiting for my congested head to drain...wahoo! I know you're jealous of all the fun I'm having so far. :)

As soon as we get ready, we're off to see the Sex and the City movie (although, I'm sure he'd be totally fine if the movie was sold out).

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