Monday, May 19, 2008

The Quest

Last weekend I attended the wedding of my good friend DK in Santa Barbara. Aside from being there for the beautiful festivities, my main goal was to get a good picture of me and the bride. Considering we've been friends since working together at Sizzler in 1989, it was important for me to try to commemorate the day with a decent picture of us together. Attempt #1:

Yes, the picture would have been fine, if not for the freaking idiot in the middle (who I used to cheer with and she's a nice person, but come on). Seriously, WTF?!?! Who sticks their head in between two people taking a picture together?!?! Did she ride the short bus to school? Every time I look at this picture it just ticks me off to no end. So, let's try again. Attempt #2:

Well, at least there's only the two of us in the picture. The bad news is her eyes were closed and then she got called away on some bridal duties. Blurgh! By this time, the festivities were winding down and I was starting to panic that my picture would never happen. Luckily, my friend Joe, who was kind enough to be my escort to the wedding, saved the day. But before we look at the final pics, let's take a look at Joe: Cute, right? Yeah, aside from him getting sick (read: hungover) and throwing up all over my rental car, a good time was had by all. Now, for the final results of our cute pics (are you on the edge of your seat?):
I'm not really a fan of my face in this first one, but the second one is pretty cute, even though I wish I could put her face in the first pic with my face in the second pic. Oh well, close enough! Phew - finally!

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