Monday, May 26, 2008

Pinky at Pink's

In addition to the movies and celebs at Sundance, my favorite thing about the experience is the amazing group of friends I've made and the little circle we've been able to form. We have so much fun every year. The boys usually fly in a day before the fest, leave a day after, and we all stay crammed into Pink Palace just hanging out. It's a blast. Here's a picture of our crew this year:
So, when I had the chance to meet up with a few of them after the wedding a few weeks ago, I jumped at the chance. We ended up meeting at a place in Hollywood called Pink's Hot Dog Stand. I'd never been there before, but it seemed like a natural meeting place (considering we share a name).

Now, I'm still not sure that the hot dogs are worth standing in line for hours (since it just tasted like a hot dog to me), but perhaps I should've tried something more exotic than a plain hot dog with mayo. :) Either way, our time spent standing in line gave us all time to catch up and of course there were a plethora of photo opportunities with the Pink signs. :) It's always fun to see everyone in "regular" clothes and not all bundled up for the freezing festival. Oh, who am I kidding? It's just fun to see them whenever I can! :)

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