Thursday, May 15, 2008

OK, I caved

Well, since everyone else in the free world these days seems to have a blog, I figured what the heck? I might as well jump on the blog train after all. Considering I'm now 35 years and two days old, it seems like the perfect time. :)
This picture cracks me up - it's called "Pink is not an appropriate color." Could anything be more perfect?
That's it for me. I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself to the Blogger world. Hello Blogger world! I've arrived. :)


  1. Well let me be the first to comment and say "Welcome!" Or perhaps my condolences would be more appropriate. I expect great things from you--many, many juicy stories and things to make me laugh. Entertain me!

  2. Pinky! Congratulations! It is easy to add links to other blogs, call me and I will walk you through it. Love your blog, only one suggestion, while I know pink is about the only option for you, it's not the best option for your text color, kind of hard to see. Maybe you could find a darker pink, or heaven forbid go with something traditional, like black?? :)

  3. Wow! Welcome to your new addiction! I love blogging. I like to think its more "grown up" than MySpace. I love the pic you have up- very original. I can't help you much with setting it up since I just have "a blog in a box". But I know you'll figure it out, you're high tech- just takes time messing around.
